NBC 7 San Diego: April 5, 2019 – More than two dozen local governments are suing the California Bureau of Cannabis Control (BCC) over the current recreational marijuana law.

The cities in counties involved in the suit want to stop marijuana deliveries from coming into their communities. Under the current recreational and medical marijuana law, legal dispensaries can legally deliver into communities even if the communities themselves do not allow cannabis businesses from operating. The lawsuit against the state agency that regulates these cannabis dispensaries aimed to change that.

San Diego marijuana attorney and advocate, Jessica McElfresh had this to say, “This isn’t a debate about what the industry should be able to do. It’s about the ability of Californians to receive safe and legal deliver of medical or adult use cannabis in the privacy of their own home.”

Watch the entire NBC 7 report.

For Questions About The Cannabis Industry, Contact McElfresh Law

McElfresh Law provides advice and legal counsel to marijuana-related businesses throughout California about licensing, permitting, compliance, and lawfully operating a cannabis business.

As a highly experienced and passionate marijuana advocate, California marijuana lawyer Jessica McElfresh has helped numerous businesses in the budding cannabis industry. For a consultation, contact McElfresh Law today at 858-756-7107 to schedule an appointment.

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