There May Soon Be a Marijuana Breathalyzer Test

June 16 2017 in Drug Crimes, DUI, Legal Blog, Marijuana Business, Marijuana Charges

An Oakland-based startup called Hound Labs is making waves with a portable device that can measure the presence of THC on your breath in parts per trillion. According to both field tests and controlled studies, this cannabis breathalyzer can accurately detect whether you’ve recently eaten or smoke...

License Reinstated After Being Stopped at a Checkpoint for Drugged Driving

April 14 2017 in Case Results, Criminal Defense, DUI, Marijuana Charges, Medical Marijuana, Traffic Violations

San Diego criminal defense attorney Jessica McElfresh recently assisted a man after a traffic stop put his driver’s license in serious jeopardy. After driving a friend home, the man went through a DUI checkpoint where the officer claimed to smell marijuana and requested that he exit the car and p...

Driving Under the Influence of Medical Marijuana in California

January 20 2017 in DUI, Legal Blog, Marijuana Charges, Medical Marijuana

As laws regarding the use of marijuana in California have liberalized to include even recreational use, it is tempting to assume that restrictions involving the use of marijuana while driving have liberalized as well. However, that is not the case. The marijuana DUI law in California is extremely re...

High-Level First DUI Reduced For Woman In San Diego

October 14 2016 in Case Results, Criminal Defense, DUI

Recently, a woman in San Diego found herself in a very relatable, but also a very precarious position after a night out ended with a car accident and serious charges for her first DUI. The woman met some friends for dinner and after a few glasses of wine was on her way home, when she, unfortunately,...

Increased Penalties for a High Blood Alcohol Content (BAC)

August 18 2016 in Alcohol, DUI, Legal Blog

Blood alcohol content (BAC) is a scientific measurement of alcohol intoxication, established through chemical testing such as a blood or breath sample. In most cases, your BAC test results will be used as evidence that you committed a DUI offense. In California, as in the majority of other states, ...

New Bill Takes Aim at Drunk Driving Offenders

August 8 2016 in Alcohol, Criminal Defense, DUI, Legal Blog

In the past 30 years, 50,000 people have died and over 1 million have been injured in California as the result of drunk drivers. In an effort to curb drunk driving, the California Senate unanimously passed SB 1046, which would require anyone convicted of driving under the influence of alcohol to ins...

Can I Avoid a DUI Checkpoint?

June 8 2016 in Alcohol, Criminal Defense, DUI, Legal Blog

Proponents of DUI or sobriety checkpoints argue that they are an effective means of preserving public safety by reducing alcohol-related deaths and injuries. As such, DUI checkpoints have become a common occurrence in California, particularly on holiday weekends, and this past Memorial day weekend w...

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