Road Rage Charges Ends in Dismissal

January 23 2019 in Case Results, Misdemeanor, Traffic Violations

Criminal charges in road rage incidents are more common than one would expect in southern California. Recently, a man was trying to merge late at night, and the car next to him was not letting him over. This back and forth continued, until a minor fender bender occurred. Fearing an altercation with...

Hit & Run Dismissed After Making Restitution

December 28 2018 in Case Results, Misdemeanor, Traffic Violations

Sometimes, a simple misunderstanding can lead to unexpected criminal charges, and if not handled properly, the effects can seriously complicate your life. For example, a man from out of state was recently on his way home from a casino trip. It was late, and he was tired when he decided to stop for g...

Woman Charged With Hit and Run Gets Misdemeanor Dismissed

February 27 2018 in Case Results, Traffic Violations

Not long ago, a young woman was driving on the freeway late at night when her bumper lightly hit another vehicle. She pulled off the freeway assuming the other car would follow, but there was miscommunication and the other driver did not. Returning home, she received a call from California Highway P...

Man Facing the Loss of His CDL Gets Charges Dropped

February 9 2018 in Case Results, Traffic Violations

Recently in California, a man was speeding on his motorcycle, but when the police attempted to pull him over, he continued at a high-rate of speed for a few more blocks. Although he did eventually stop and comply with the officers, he was charged with evasion of a police officer. This created a s...

Woman Charged With Failure to Yield Gets Misdemeanor Dropped

February 2 2018 in Case Results, Traffic Violations

In California, traffic violations can lead to serious consequences. Recently, a young woman was driving in the carpool lane when a police officer attempted to pull her over. When she saw she was being pulled over, she continued driving in order to find an area to stop that wouldn't be in the way of ...

License Reinstated After Being Stopped at a Checkpoint for Drugged Driving

April 14 2017 in Case Results, Criminal Defense, DUI, Marijuana Charges, Medical Marijuana, Traffic Violations

San Diego criminal defense attorney Jessica McElfresh recently assisted a man after a traffic stop put his driver’s license in serious jeopardy. After driving a friend home, the man went through a DUI checkpoint where the officer claimed to smell marijuana and requested that he exit the car and p...

Arrested for DUI, Charges Not Filed, Case Dismissed

June 10 2015 in Alcohol, Case Results, Traffic Violations

San Diego criminal defense was recently contacted by a 22-year-old female arrested and charged with Driving Under the Influence. Our client was a college student with a medical condition that caused problems with her balance. After being pulled over for a simple traffic violation our client was susp...

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