small cannabis plant being held

As of January 1, 2018, recreational marijuana is legal in California, making it the largest state to legalize recreational cannabis use thus far. However, since the law only passed with a 57 percent majority, there still remains uncertainty and pushback from certain groups. The state has made it up to the local governments to determine if they want to legalize marijuana in their area. To learn more of the changes in California marijuana law, read below.

For help navigating marijuana laws, you need a knowledgeable lawyer at your side. At McElfresh Law, we understand that no two cases are the same, and we will fight for your rights. Contact us today at (858) 756-7107 to set up a free consultation with a San Diego cannabis lawyer.

Where Marijuana is Legal in California

State laws prohibit smoking marijuana in public places, including those where cigarette smoking is illegal. It is also prohibited to smoke while operating a vehicle.
If you are seen smoking weed in a public area, you could face fines up to $250.

Additionally, smoking marijuana within 1,000 feet of a school is banned.

How and Where Can I Purchase Marijuana?

While many areas of the state are not allowing recreational marijuana use, if you go to a store that can legally sell marijuana, you are required to show a valid state ID proving you are 21-years or older. With a valid ID, you can purchase up to one ounce of cannabis.

In order to prove legitimacy, marijuana businesses must post a copy of their permit for potential customers to see. Many businesses are still waiting to receive their state license to sell cannabis for recreational use. Once these dispensaries have received their license, they will be open to the public.

Purity Testing Won’t Kick in Until Mid-2018

With the new changes in California’s marijuana laws, all cannabis goods sold in the state must undergo thorough testing. This testing will ensure each product’s purity by looking for pesticides and other contaminants. In addition, the products will undergo potency testing in order to gauge the amount of THC, CBD, and other chemicals.

Nonetheless, marijuana dispensaries are allowed to use up their current inventory for six months as long as it has a clear warning label. Therefore, purity testing will not be fully underway until mid-2018.

The Cost of Marijuana Starting in January

Marijuana will be subject to a 15 percent excise tax along with an additional state sales tax. However, high prices will most likely be temporary until businesses get settled. In the state of Washington, recreational marijuana prices decreased over 50 percent since being legalized.

Contact a California Marijuana Lawyer

California marijuana law can be complex and confusing. That’s why you need an experienced and knowledgeable California cannabis lawyer at your side to help you navigate the legal process.

If you’ve been charged with a marijuana violation, contact McElfresh Law right away at (858) 756-7107. Attorney Jessica McElfresh can evaluate your legal options during a free case assessment.

California marijuana laws change frequently. For updated information, see the following pages: Medicinal Uses of Marijuana and Recreational Marijuana Business

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