With the official opening of the California recreational cannabis industry this month, our state is experiencing a green rush. But before you hurry to get into this newly-legal occupation, you should follow certain essential steps to starting a California marijuana business.
If you’re looking to get into the recreational marijuana business and want to know the legalities of such a venture, call McElfresh Law at (858) 756-7107 to schedule a consultation with California marijuana business lawyer Jessica McElfresh.
You need more than just an idea to succeed in business. And in an area as heavily regulated as the cannabis industry, your business plan needs to be even more extensive.
Iron Out the Details of Your Business Well Before Applying for Any Permits or Licenses
By the time you begin the license application process, you should have covered all of the following:
Obtain Local Permission from Your County or Town
If you live in a city or town, the municipal government will have jurisdiction over your business. If you live in an unincorporated area, jurisdiction will fall with your county government. San Diego County has banned new cannabis retailers and farms from operating in unincorporated areas.
The City of San Diego has put in a procedure for various adult use and medical cannabis businesses to obtain Conditional Use Permits. Many other municipalities in the county, however, have banned recreational cannabis businesses. Assuming you want to operate in an area that allows cannabis businesses, the process of obtaining permission can be expensive and time-consuming. A California cannabis attorney can significantly increase your chances of obtaining a conditional use permit form the local government.
Apply for a State License with the Help of a California Cannabis Attorney
Depending on the type of business you envision, you will need to apply for one or several of a dozen licenses available both for medical and recreational cannabis businesses. There are three state licensing bodies for cannabis businesses:
These regulatory bodies began issuing temporary licenses on January 1, 2018 that will be valid for four-month periods. Since the adoption of the Medicinal and Adult-Use Cannabis Regulation and Safety Act (MAUCRSA), the licensing process for recreational and medical cannabis businesses is going to be more consistent than what was proposed under earlier laws.
The specific requirements for each license type are different, but in general your license application should include:
At McElfresh Law, we aim to help San Diego cannabis businesses succeed. From advising you on the best corporate structure, to advocating on your behalf as you seek approval from local and state governments, to informing you of the precise steps to starting a California marijuana business, we offer the legal tools you need to open a marijuana business in Southern California. To schedule a consultation with attorney Jessica McElfresh, contact us today at (858) 756-7107.
California marijuana laws change frequently. For updated information, see the following pages: Medicinal Uses of Marijuana and Recreational Marijuana Business