Being part of the medical marijuana industry in California can be exciting. You are part of a venture that is on the cutting edge of science and will continue to grow. You can rest well at night knowing your products are used to help individuals suffering from a variety of medical conditions, some of which cause chronic pain.
However, your job is not always easy. As a medical marijuana business owner, you have to cut through a lot of red tape to bring safe and affordable products to your customers. In addition to a number of regulatory requirements, you have to be prepared to pay California medical marijuana taxes. This area of the law can be especially tricky as the state and local communities are still figuring out how your products will be taxed and how much.
To ensure you remain compliant with all federal, state, and local tax regulations, contact an experienced San Diego medical marijuana lawyer from McElfresh Law with questions about California medical marijuana taxes. Call us today at (858) 756-7107.
Free consultation for criminal defense cases only. Cannabis business consultation requires a fee.
Federal taxes apply to all businesses within the marijuana industry. If you own a medical marijuana operation in California, whether as a grower, processor, or dispensary, you must properly file your business’s tax return with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and pay taxes related to the business and its employees. In most ways your federal taxes are the same as if you owned any other type of venture. You must pay your income tax and employment taxes like Social Security, Medicare, and unemployment withholdings.
However, because the purpose of your business is unlawful under federal law, you are not entitled to certain exemptions and deductions. For instance, you cannot deduct your ordinary and necessary business expenses. Be sure to speak with an experienced tax professional before filing your taxes.
Most California taxes apply to medical marijuana businesses like they would any other business, though they may not apply similarly to dispensaries, growers, and other types of ventures. If you are a business owner, you should work closely with an experienced marijuana tax professional to ensure you file and pay all of your relevant taxes – and take advantage of exemptions when they apply. Unlike with the IRS, properly formed corporations, limited liability companies, and cooperatives are entitled to their normal deductions in California.
If you own a medical marijuana dispensary, then you need to know about:
If you grow marijuana or manufacture medical marijuana products, then you are subject to many of the same taxes, with a few key differences.
If you are in the medical marijuana industry in California, bear in mind that you will need to ensure you keep up with local taxes and fees as well as your state and federal liability. So far, dozens of counties and cities throughout the state have voted to impose separate taxes and fees on recreational and medical marijuana sold within their borders, and more are likely to do the same. California law gives communities broad powers to regulate their local marijuana industries, including imposing licensing requirements, taxes, and fees.
If you are setting up shop, be sure to speak with an experienced and local marijuana attorney. You need to be sure your business is properly formed and licensed by the state and community, you maintain the legally required records, and that you pay your local, state, and federal taxes.
There is little reason to put your heart and soul into building a medical marijuana business only to get in legal trouble for tax evasion. By working with San Diego medical marijuana lawyer Jessica McElfresh, you have someone on your side who has the knowledge and experience you need to comply with all California and local tax laws.
To learn more about how she can help you and your business, call today at (858) 756-7107.
This website is intended for informational purposes only. Use of this website does not create an attorney-client relationship. Free consultation for criminal defense cases only. Cannabis business consultation requires a fee.