On a global level, counterfeit drugs account for more than 10 percent of pharmaceutical sales. Unfortunately, counterfeit drug offenses including the selling, manufacturing, or distributing of counterfeit drugs can lead to various legal repercussions. Not only is any act affiliated with counterfeit drugs against federal and state laws, but it can also damage the health and well-being of unsuspecting buyers. Drugs that are tainted with other substances or fake ingredients may cause injury and even death in serious cases.
When you are dealing with a counterfeit drug offense, it is best to contact an experienced San Diego drug defense attorney as soon as possible. You will need help from a professional advocate with the right legal background. The criminal defense team at McElfresh Law can provide a solid understanding of the charges against you and work together to build a comprehensive defense.
Contact us today at (858) 756-7107.
President Obama implemented the Food and Drug Administration Safety and Innovation Act in July of 2012. Also known as the “Counterfeit Drug Bill,” this federal law increases penalties for the trafficking of counterfeit drugs. Under 18 U.S.C. § 2320, you can be charged for intentionally engaging in the following conduct:
If you are convicted of an offense listed above, you can receive a prison term up to 10 years and be fined up to $2,000,000. Punishments may also be elevated if you contributed to the making or selling of a counterfeit drug that causes serious bodily injury or death to another individual.
In addition, according to 21 USC § 331, it is illegal to perform any “act which causes a drug to be a counterfeit drug, or the sale or dispensing, or the holding for sale or dispensing, of a counterfeit drug.” If convicted of such charges, you may be convicted of criminal fraud with a prison term of up to 5 years. For a counterfeit drug offense involving interstate commerce, you can face up to 3 years in prison and a fine up to $10,000.
Because there are many federal laws and regulations applicable to counterfeit drug offenses, you will need a knowledgeable criminal defense attorney to assess your situation and potential charges.
Under California Health and Safety Codes, you can be charged with a crime when you are suspected of willfully manufacturing, selling, or knowingly possessing for sale counterfeit drugs. This can pertain to:
When convicted of a counterfeit drug offense in California, you may be charged with a misdemeanor or felony, depending on the circumstances.
California counterfeit drug cases can become overwhelming and complicated. You may also have to deal with fraud or personal injury charges if counterfeit drugs lead to injury. You will most likely need help from a knowledgeable California criminal defense lawyer to reduce or reverse the charges against you.
San Diego criminal defense lawyer Jessica McElfresh offers years of experience in fighting for the constitutional rights and freedoms of her clients. She can help to thoroughly investigate your case and the evidence against you and build a strong defense. In the past, McElfresh has tackled complex legal issues from warrantless searches to improper police proceedings.
Call McElfresh Law today at (858) 756-7107 to schedule your free and confidential case consultation with a skilled San Diego criminal defense lawyer.